Learn: Grammatical case: dativ – nouns and pronouns
Jesam li ja to napravio? / Da li sam ja to uradio?
Learn: Perfective and imperfective verbs in the past tense
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Sviđa mi se, nedostaje mi, smeta mi…
Learn: Verbs with conjugation different than usual verbs
Learn: Numbers + genitiv; collective noun „door“
Learn: How to express dates; ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th…)
Coming soon…
U svakoj obitelji ima i radosti i bolesti
Learn: Feminine nouns that end with a consonant
Balkanac u prometu / Balkanac u saobraćaju
Learn: All the tenses in the same place; personality adjectives
Baka soli pamet mami dok idu u grad
Learn: All the cases in the same place
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Peglanje kartice u šoping centru
Learn: Pronoun “svoj”
Learn: Personal pronoun declension (her, him, them…)
Learn: Future second (Futur II.)